SonoBlaster® – Work Area Intrusion Alarm
SonoBlaster® is an impact-activated safety device that warns work crews and errant vehicle drivers simultaneously to help prevent crashes and injuries in work Areas.
The NCHRP 350 accepted SonoBlaster® mounts on many types of barricades, cones, drums, delineators, A-frames and other barriers. Upon impact, the SonoBlaster’s built-in CO2 powered horn blasts at 125 dB to signal workers that their protective work area has been breached, giving them critical reaction time to move out of harms way.
The SonoBlaster® unit is cocked using a simple key chain tool. The unit is then placed on the roadway while in "safe" mode. The control knob is then rotated from "safe" to "ready" position. The unit is then "armed" and ready to protect the work area.
Work area injuries involving workers harmed by their own equipment (such as back-up accidents) is a growing problem. SonoBlaster® audibly pinpoints the source of danger by warning workers when heavy equipment enters their "safe" area.
Protect your work force with SonoBlaster, the inovative work area intrusion alarm. To arrange a demonstration, call 0845 4102 999